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Future of CRM


Many sources, including Gartner (an economic market research corporation), indicate that the CRM market has grown in recent years and will be growing considerably over the next five years or so. In fact, in 2007 the total market was a little over $8 billion, and last year was estimated at $18 billion. That is an increase of over 200% in less than a decade. That kind of growth has continued consistently, and it seems the sky is the limit as more companies are putting a precedent to Client Relations Management and integration of data across all business activities.

While three companies (Oracle, SAP, and SalesForce) account for around 30% of the market, there is still plenty of room for the smaller companies to compete. As stated in the CRM Types page, the vast majority of businesses in the United States are small-to-midsized, so the opportunities are there and ready to be capitalized. Not to mention the fact that businesses are starting everywhere, all the time.

Due to the introduction of various avenues of marketing and communication, it is essential to have a means of utilizing them all to your advantage. Every day will bring new opportunities and advancements, so staying ahead of the curve will present a clear advantage and benefit to your business and its operations.

"A good hockey player plays where the puck is. A great hockey player plays where the puck is going to be." - Wayne Gretzky

Stay tuned for more updates on the market as information is gathered over the coming months.


IDC Report


Destination CRM


Inside CRM


Dynamics- Market Share Predictions

IDC- Market Leadership



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